Apartment WiFi with BC Revenue
Your Body Corporate should be earning revenue from Internet supplied to tenants.
Our system is installed for FREE & pays you!
No cost to the building
Get a building wide WiFi coverage that tenants can access
The BC then gets a share of the gross turnover simply for letting us have access to the building
Free Internet feed supplied for use by building management
Every tenant gets their own personal Unlimited connection
The tenants get access to the cheapest Internet packages available in today’s market, right in your building and you get a share as well. A true Win-Win.
We will cover your building with the latest WiFi equipment and provide a full sales report every month. You get a share of the gross sales, not after expenses and costs and variables that you have no control over, but a true share of what actually went through the system. The operation and monitoring of the system is totally taken care of by us. We monitor all aspects of the system and perform maintenance and upgrades as and when needed.
​From just $49.90 (incl gst) per month for Unlimited Internet we offer your tenants the best value Internet in the country.
Service activation is instantaneous and available 24/7 with no need for visits from chorus technicians or delays from other service providers!
New tenants can be online in minutes.
If you have a building and that could benefit from this service while making your BC commission on sales that would otherwise be lost, please contact us.
If you are a tenant wishing to make use of this great Internet service option please click here.